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Tasty and Healthy

It’s never been more important to maintain a balanced diet to support your physical and mental wellbeing.

Right now you need to try and keep to simple recipes but be flexible. If a recipe calls for carrots and you have sweet potato, butternut squash or even swede, just go with that instead. If you are lucky enough to have quite a bit of food but want to make sure you do not waste it, keep a record of what you have and the use by date to plan use of that ingredient into your meal plan. 

Bubble & Squeak with Poached Eggs

A delicious, heartwarming bubble and squeak is a great way to start the day, particularly if you’ve over indulged the night before! Usually I make this with leftover vegetables from the day before, so there is minimal cooking involved, but if you don’t have left over veggies, then start from scratch and use whatever veg is in season.


Pumpkin, Ginger and Coconut Soup

With more than 18,000 tonnes of pumpkin flesh going to waste this Halloween, reduce your food waste with this warming autumnal soup. What's more, its low calorie content makes it a weight-loss-friendly food. Its nutrients and antioxidants may boost your immune system and promote heart and skin health. 

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